About the Author

Remember those days when you had Yahoo messenger and you made up names because you didn’t like your real ones. Well, that’s not the case with me. I have a dark side to me so, I choose Raj Banerjee as a veil. My real name? Nah…what’s in a name?

Cubicle dweller by the day and writer when my family, my boss, my colleagues are not hovering on my head. Writing stories do not come naturally to me, thoughts do and I make a short story out of it. So I write down my stories and bring them to you.

I am not an MBA, Engineer, Doctor, et al from an Ivy league School/College (and I don’t know why some writers state that), I think it has nothing to with writing. I have a vivid imagination and thats all you need to know.

What is Twisted Chronicles?

Well, it’s simple, a story with a twist at the end. Pat yourself on the back if you can guess the ending. If you can’t, sit back and enjoy. If the twist made you jump, I will pat my back.

I was inspired to create this site after I read The Twist in the Tale by Jeffery Archer (read it if you haven’t already). However, there is a tiny difference. My stories are really small, not more than a 2-3 minute read.

I hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy thinking and writing them.

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